Back To Basics Webinar Part 2: The World of SSOs, IPR Policies and Patent Pools

11aug16:00Back To Basics Webinar Part 2: The World of SSOs, IPR Policies and Patent Pools

Event Details

Description: In the second of our 3 part Summer Back To Basics Webinar series, we explore the world of standard setting organizations (SSOs) and patent pools: Why are they so important? What does a world without them look like? And regardless of the industry you are in, why you need to be paying a little more attention to them.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How are Technical Standards administered: The role of the Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs).
  • How do SSOs handle standard essential patents? A look at different SSO’s IP policies and bylaws.
  • What is a patent pool? And why are pools typically formed around standards?
  • How does the licensing around SEPs work.
  • What are Technical Standards – how are standards developed within SSOs?
  • New, emerging Technical Standards and Trends.
  • The future: What you need to know now!





11th August 2020 16:00(GMT+00:00)