Join this webinar to hear from Prof. Joachim Henkel about his research on the licensing of standard essential patents (SEPs) for the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.
The IoT could boost innovation tremendously as well as encourage entrepreneurship across industries. But the success of the IoT hinges on licensing of connectivity SEPs. The rapid pace of digitalisation dictates that SEP licensing, too, must be as simple as possible. Inspired by his earlier work on standards, SEPs, innovation, and entrepreneurship, Prof. Joachim Henkel researches the licensing of SEPs for IoT technologies.
While much of the existing literature on the topic is conceptual, often taking a legal perspective, he combines empirical evidence, based on interviews, with economic reasoning. He concludes that device-level licensing of IoT SEPs puts a high burden on device makers, invites opportunistic behaviour by SEP holders, and impedes innovation and entrepreneurship in the IoT. He suggests solutions, and calls on policy makers to ensure that device makers can procure fully licensed IoT communication modules.
Prof. Henkel will be interviewed by Evelina Kurgonaite, Secretary General of the FSA
Prof. Joachim Henkel
Joachim Henkel is a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management and Vice Dean of Research at TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich. He received his Habilitation in Management from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, a Doctorate in Economics from University of Mannheim, and a Diplom (M.Sc.) in Theoretical Physics from University of Bonn. After his Ph.D., he worked for two years with the consulting firm, Bain & Company. His research focuses on patent management, standards, digitalization, technology acquisitions, open innovation, and value capture. He published his work among others in Academy of Management Discoveries, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, RAND Journal of Economics, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal. Joachim Henkel is an Associate Editor with Academy of Management Discoveries, and serves on the editorial review boards of Industrial and Corporate Change, Innovation: Organization & Management, and Research Policy. He was a visiting scholar at University College London, MIT Sloan School of Management, Harvard Business School, and Singapore Management University. He consults regularly for firms in the ICT industries.
Evelina Kurgonaitė-Swoboda is the Secretary General at the Fair Standards Alliance. She previously served as Head of Policy Strategy and Legal Counsel at Samsung Electronics in Brussels. Evelina has 15+ years of experience in EU & competition law and public affairs. Having spent seven years in private practice – including at Sidley Austin and Morrison Foerster – Evelina established and managed the European arm of global news service PaRR, part of the Financial Times group at the time. Evelina holds LL.M from Helsinki University and MA from King‘s College London. Evelina is the founder and chair of Women AT (W@) – a platform that connects and promotes women professionals around the world.
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