19 October, 9:30 - 18:00 CET | The Hotel, Brussels

09:30 Welcome Remarks

  • Ief Daems, FSA Chair

09:40 Regulatory Take – SEP Policy in the Making

  • Hanna Anttilainen, European Commission
  • Jamie Lewis, UK Intellectual Property Office

   Moderator: Ief Daems, FSA Chair

10:25 Fireside Chat: Back to the Future – Reflections and Projections on SEP Policy

  • Nicholas Banasevic, Gibson Dunn

   Moderator: Evelina Kurgonaite, FSA Secretary General

11:00 Industry Take – SEP Policy Developments in Japan

  • Hiroshi Kamitani, Honda

11:20 Insights into SEP Policy in China

  • Jian Song, Former Senior Judge of Jiangsu Higher People’s Court

12:10 Lunch

 13:20 SEP Licensing in Practice: Facing Business Realities

  • Nicholas Townsend, Sky
  • Nils Ekström, Volvo
  • Kristian Sæther, Nordic Semiconductor

   Moderator: Alex Prenter, FSA

14:20 History of the ETSI IPR Policy

  • Dave Djavaherian, PacTech Law

14:40 Coffee Break

15:00 Fireside Chat: Hold-up v Hold-out – An Elephant in the Room?

  • Alfonso Lamadrid, Garrigues, College of Europe
  • Renata Hesse, Sullivan & Cromwel

   Moderator: Evelina Kurgonaite, FSA

15:40 SEP Licensing in Practice: In Search of Business Solutions

  • Michael Schlögl, Continental
  • Frank Petersen, Kamstrup
  • Uta Schneider, Marconi
  • Jillian Mertsch, Qualcomm

   Moderator: Khushita Vasant, MLex

16:55 Through an Economist Lens: Effective SEP Licensing

  • Prof Carl Shapiro, UC Berkeley
  • Dr Benno Buehler, CRA
  • Prof Florian Schütt, KU Leuven, Tilburg University

   Moderator: Dr Avantika Chowdhury, Oxera

17:45 Interoperability Matters – of Open Gates and Tolls

  • Prof Philip Marsden, Bank of England, College of Europe

   Moderator: Robert Pocknell, N&M Consulting

18:10 Closing Remarks

  • Evelina Kurgonaite, FSA Secretary General

18:15 Friends of FRAND Awards & Drinks

Hanna Anttilainen

Hanna Anttilainen is a Deputy Director at the European Commission’s DG COMP who leads Unit C1, which deals with SEP-related antitrust cases, and which has been closely involved in the work on the revision of the standardisation chapter in the Horizontal Guidelines. Hanna has over 20 years of experience in competition law. She has worked for the European Commission since 2011 Prior to joining DG COMP, she worked for nearly 13 years in Brussels in private practice in the area of competition law. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of Helsinki University in 1998 with a Master’s degree.

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Prof Philip Marsden

Philip Marsden is Deputy Chair of the Bank of England’s Enforcement Decision Making Committee, and decisionmaker for competition and regulatory cases at the Financial Conduct Authority, the Payment Systems Regulator and OFGEM. He is also Professor of Law and Economics at the College of Europe, Bruges, teaching the core Masters in Law.   In 2018, the UK Chancellor appointed Philip to the Treasury’s Digital Competition Experts Panel, writing the Furman Review ‘Unlocking Digital Competition’. In 2019, he joined the government’s Open Finance Advisory Group, advising the FCA on how to extend Open Banking to other regulated sectors.  His past roles include: Member of the Board of the UK Office of Fair Trading, then Inquiry Chair at the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), where he decided on Phase II mergers, market investigations and antitrust cases


Nicholas Banasevic

Nicholas Banasevic is a Managing Director at Gibson Dunn Brussels office. Until recently, he served as Acting Director at the European Commission’s DG Competition (DG COMP). In 20+ years at DG COMP, Nicholas led many high-profile antitrust investigations, particularly in digital and ICT markets. He also worked on virtually all SEP-related antitrust matters for the last two decades, including probes into Samsung and Motorola on the use of injunctions that subsequently led to the Court of Justice of the European Union ruling in Huawei v ZTE; also on earlier cases, e.g. Rambus etc.


Renata Hesse

Partner and co-head of the Antitrust Practice at Sullivan & Cromwell Litigation Group. She joined the firm following a distinguished career in the US government, including leading the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice twice as Acting Assistant Attorney General and serving that division for more than 15 years. Her other roles in the Antitrust Division include oversight of the criminal programme as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal and Civil Operations.


Michael Schlögl

Dr. Michael Schlögl is head of IP SEP at Continental. Michael is mainly involved in the ongoing disputes between cellular SEP holders and Continental and other companies from the automotive industry. Michael holds a PhD in high energy physics, and has been working in the field of IP since 2001. He started his IP career with Siemens, and moved to Continental in the year 2007. At Continental he developed an IP Department in eastern Europe, and was also involved in several IP related legislative initiatives in eastern Europe.


Alfonso Lamadrid

Alfonso Lamadrid is the head of Garrigues Brussels office and a member of the firm’s EU & Competition practice. He has a vast litigation experience, having represented clients in over 75 cases before the General Court of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union. He is Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges), director of the EU and Spanish Competition Law Course at the IEB (Madrid), Visiting professor at the Brussels School of Competition (Brussels), and has lectured at several national and international universities and institutions , including Harvard Law School, the European University Institute, the Academy of European Law, the London School of Economics, the Global Competition Law Centre, the European Association of Competition Law Judges, etc. Alfonso is the author of the specialist EU competition law blog


Khushita Vasant

Khushita covers US antitrust enforcement and litigation for MLex in Washington, DC. She previously covered EU competition law in Brussels where she broke news on high-profile antitrust and merger investigations. She has covered the EU’s actions against Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, to name a few. Now in the US, she closely tracks landmark antitrust lawsuits and investigations initiated by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission against some large digital platforms. She’s often in federal courts across the US to report on high-profile civil and criminal antitrust litigation, and on Capitol Hill to cover developments on a set of critical antitrust bills pending in Congress. Khushita specializes in coverage of intellectual property, with notable scoops on US policy developments and EU investigations in the field of standard-essential patents. Her articles on SEPs have been nominated for the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards. Khushita previously wrote about monetary policy, and the bond and FX markets for The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires in Mumbai.

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Florian Schütt

Professor of Economics at KU Leuven and a member of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center at Tilburg University. He previously held positions at Tilburg University and the European University Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Economics in 2008 from the Toulouse School of Economics. He was a Marie Curie Fellow during 2011-2013. His research interests lie in industrial organization, with a particular focus on the economics of innovation and intellectual property. His current research studies mechanisms to improve patent screening, the design of regulation in the standard-setting context, and the role of career concerns for managerial risk taking. In addition to innovation, he has contributed to the academic literatures on media markets, net neutrality, the regulation of experience-goods markets, and behavioral political economy. His research has been published in the Review of Economic Studies, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, European Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Information Economics and Policy, Review of Network Economics, and Telecommunications Policy.


Benno Buehler

Vice President at Charles River Associates. Previously, he was a senior member of the Chief Economist Team of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP). He started his career at an international management consultancy. With over a decade of competition policy experience, Benno did the economic analysis in a number of antitrust matters such as the Samsung and Motorola standard essential patent cases. He also shaped DG COMP’s economic assessment in several high profile horizontal and non-horizontal mergers, such as Qualcomm/NXP, Google/Motorola and others. He was also involved in a number of policy initiatives such as DG COMP’s review of the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation. His experience covers a wide range of sectors, including high-tech, (mobile) telecommunications and broadband. His academic work has been published in scientific journals such as the Journal of Industrial Economics and the European Economic Review. Benno holds a PhD in Applied Microeconomics jointly from the University of Toulouse and from Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich.


Frank Petersen

Frank Petersen is Head of Intellectual Property at the Danish company Kamstrup A/S. He is European Patent Attorney and has been in the IP business for 30 years. A part of this time has been spent on anticounterfeit activity against Chinese products. He is a member of the board of the Danish Association of Industrial Property Executives (DIP) and appointed as associated judge at the Danish regional Western Court in matters relating to intellectual property.  Kamstrup A/S, founded 1946, is a smart meter manufacturer and a user of wireless communication standards.

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Nils Ekström

Nils Ekström, M. Sc Applied Physics, LL.M, is a European patent attorney with over 30 years’ of experience. For the last decade, Nils has worked at AB Volvo dealing with third party matters, including enforcement and defense, assisting with IP matters in M&A’s, collaborations, sourcing, technology licensing as well as tackling issues related to SEP licensing. He previously spent 13 years at patent law where he gained extensive practical experience of patent prosecution across various industries and technologies including automotive, household electronics, hygiene products, etc. He also held positions at the Swedish Association for Patent Attorneys (SPOF) and European Patent Institute, epi assisting with inputs in relation to legislative proposals etc. He had previously spent six years at then a small patent department of AB Volvo working on capturing innovation and leading prosecution of the portfolio. Nils started his career within the IP domain as an examiner at the Swedish patent office first in the field of mechanics with a shift to the area of electronics as a consequence of the fast expansion in the telecom domain.

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Dave Djavaherian

Dave Djavaherian is President of PacTech Law, P.C.  He focuses on standards and intellectual property matters, including FRAND licensing engagements, IP policy and related disputes.  He has been handling high stakes licensing and litigation matters throughout his career, including working in-house to manage and oversee a $250M annual licensing business. Dave has provided expert testimony before US and international courts on FRAND licensing matters.  He served as a delegate for the United States to the United Nation’s Telecommunications Standards Advisory Group, and is regular contributor on IP policy issues at SDOs such as ETSI, ITU and IEEE.   He has been recognized annually since 2019 by IAM Magazine as one of the top 300 IP strategists in the world. 


Evelina Kurgonaitė

Evelina Kurgonaitė-Swoboda is the Secretary General at the Fair Standards Alliance. She previously served as Head of Policy Strategy and Legal Counsel at Samsung Electronics in Brussels. Evelina has 15+ years of experience in EU & competition law and public affairs. Having spent seven years in private practice – including at Sidley Austin and Morrison Foerster – Evelina established and managed the European arm of global news service PaRR, part of the Financial Times group at the time. Evelina holds LL.M from Helsinki University and MA from King‘s College London. Evelina is the founder and chair of Women AT (W@) – a platform that connects and promotes women professionals around the world.