IPlytics Webinar - Technical Standards Contributions

03sep16:00IPlytics Webinar - Technical Standards Contributions

Event Details

Description: In this webinar you will learn:
1) What are Technical Standard Contributions? What role do they play the Standard Development process?
2) What types of information do they provide that compliments the world of patents and standards?
3) How Technical Standard Contribution data can be used for competitive intelligence: early warning system for patenting?
4) How Technical Standard Contribution data can be used for prior art search?
5) The role of Technical Standard Contributions in the prediction of Standard Patent Essentiality


Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u2-HG-N4TcafNXISQdRJCA



3rd September 2020 16:00(GMT+00:00)