The Sedona Conference: Global Implications of Unwired Planet for SEP/FRAND

08sep12:00The Sedona Conference: Global Implications of Unwired Planet for SEP/FRAND

Event Details

Description: The Sedona Conference will hold a webinar on the Global Implications of Unwired Planet to discuss the potential impact of the UK Supreme Court’s ruling this week that English courts have the power to set global licensing rates for multinational patent portfolios under European telecom standards. This comes at the convergence of two key Sedona Working Group 9 initiatives: The Sedona Conference Framework for Analysis of Standard-Essential Patent (SEP) and Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Licensing and Royalty Issues (Stage Two), Public Comment Version, in November 2019. and the imminent launch of a drafting team to produce a follow-on Sedona WG9 “Global Edition” to provide a similar framework for analysis for SEP/FRAND patent litigation venues around the world.




8th September 2020 12:00(GMT+00:00)